E.C.O.pteryx, our conservation drone becomes airborne
E.C.O. is permanently seeking innovation in conservation. Since 2014, E.C.O. is the proud owner of its latest development: A hexacopter named E.C.O.pteryx, which has already proved its abilities and qualities in several pilot projects. The Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund (KWF) with its innovation assistant programme actively supports our innovation assistant Corinna Hecke, who joined E.C.O. in March 2014, in the further development of the UAV product.
UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles or drones) offer a completly novel quality of visualization from out-of-ordinary perspectives. The hexacopter allows for taking high-resolution aerial photos in a rather cost-efficient and promptly way. Taking aerial photos can be repeated anytime making this technology an indispensable and extremly useful tool for any type of field work or monitoring. The possible fields of application are widespread reaching from conservation, ecological monitoring, documentation of inaccessible or sensitive areas such as mires, water bodies, floodplains or rock sections, to its use for the documentation of land-use (e.g. agriculture, forestry) and its use to support ecological construction supervision.
Additionally, the drone can be easily used in tourism or visitor information by taking landscape panorama pictures or meaningful pictures from unusal perspectives (e.g. overview of interpretive trails).
If this raised your interest, you can find further information about this amazing product on our website. We will also be happy to take your call anytime!