Good news for moor frog, whorl snail and friends
Kick-off: conservation measures for Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg

Last friday was the official kick-off for our conservation project in the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg. Our conservation measures will protect this nature gem and several rare and endangered species living there including whorl snail, moor frog, dice snake and the recultivation of the swan mussel together with the bitterling etc.
We would like to thank our partners and sponsors (from left to right on the picture):
- Dr. Wolfgang Hafner/Head of the Department of Environmental Protection Klagenfurt
- Mag. Regine Hradetzky/Environment and Climate Magistrate Klagenfurt,
- Frank Frey/ Councilor for the Environment/Klagenfurt,
- Mag. Franz Petritz/Councilor for Education and Health Klagenfurt,
- Mag. Ronald Würflinger/Managing Director of Blühendes Österreich,
- Dr. Michael Jungmeier/Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
- DI Mag. Johann Wagner/ Province of Carinthia, Conservation Department
- Dr. Susanne Glatz-Jorde/Project lead E.C.O.
Photo: © StadtPresse/Wajand