Training as an Expert
European Parks Academy (E.P.A.) full lecturer board is confirmed

Our coordination team for the E.P.A. 2019 worked hard on hiring some of the best experts and lecturers for this year’s academy. We are more than proud to introduce to you Peter DeBrine (UNESCO), Boris Erg (IUCN), Hanns Kirchmeir and Vanessa Berger (E.C.O.), Carol Ritchie and Stefania Petrosillo (EUROPARC Federation) and Corinna Wallinger (SiNSOMA). “This year’s programme is a fascinating mix out of international networking, high quality lectures, practical experience and an attractive optional side programme”, says CEO Michael Jungmeier.
Peter DeBrine is senior project officer at the World Heritage Nature, Sustainable Tourism and Outreach Unit (CLT/WHC/NTO). He offers a great range of experience as he was the Director of the World Heritage Alliance at the United Nations Foundation as well as Deputy Director of the International tourism Partnership for the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum.
Boris Erg works for IUCN since 2005. In 2015 he became Director of the IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) with an increased mandate, including South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia. He works closely with members and partners across the region.
Hanns Kirchmeier is managing director and responsible for the development of the technical environment, complex modelling, managing of key projects in forest ecology, data management and development cooperation of E.C.O. Institute of Ecology.
Vanessa Berger is an ecologist and an expert in spatial modelling of ecosystems and statistical analyses at E.C.O. Institute of Ecology. She is currently working on forest ecological monitoring with UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle).
Carol Ritchie is responsible for the smooth running of all the EUROPARC Federation Directorate and its work. Carol operates across Europe to represent the Federation’s interest and to support the work of the President and Council.
Stefania Petrosillo is the EUROPARC Policy Officer in Brussels, working to represent EUROPARC member’s interests in the dialogue with the European Institutions. She is also the person in charge of the EUROPARC Transboundary Program.
Corinna Wallinger works for SiNSOMA, a spinoff of the University of Innsbruck (Austria). SiNSOMA is committed to high quality DNA diagnostics of environmental samples stemming from terrestrial habitats and freshwater systems. She has been focusing on the detection and identification of plant DNA during the last 15 years.
This expert training is especially designed for professionals in nature conservation from all over the world, including administrative and technical staff of protected area management bodies, consultancies and planning companies, NGOs and international institutions, interested scientists or researchers as well as representatives of stakeholder groups having a professional interest in conservation. Instead of depending on experts, become an expert! You can find further information and all details on the programme and registration under