Assessment of options for the Alpenpark Karwendel
The first protected area in the Tyrolean Karwendel Alps was set up 80 years ago. Nowadays the Alpenpark Karwendel is well established in the region. A regional support association launches numerous initiatives, and amongst other things the intention is to set the Alpenpark in the appropriate legal framework. During an assessment of the options, the possible categories of protected area and classifications were compared. National park and world heritage site, biogenetic reserve, geopark and other types of protected areas were compared from the perspective of which of them would best support the long-term development of the region and for which of them the best prerequisites already exist. The assessment took place using pre-defined evaluation indicators and in close cooperation with regional representatives. The regional categories ‘biosphere reserve and ‘nature park’ turned out to be the most appropriate categories, because they offer the most extensive development options for the region. The “Verein Alpenpark Karwendel” finally opted to set up a nature park. As part of the “Hello Bavaria” event that was being held in the lofty heights of the Karwendel Railway mountain station, our northern neighbours were also included in the deliberations.