Integrated Biodiversity Management. Publications on project successes in the South Caucasus

Associated persons Anneliese Fuchs, Sitora Khabibova, Hanns Kirchmeir
Clients GIZ – German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH
Year 2019

Integrated Biodiversity Management, South Caucasus (IBiS) is a programme of GIZ and its partners in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The aim is to develop strategies to support the sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services. During the project period 2015-2019, E.C.O. accompanied several pilot activities and developed concepts to combat soil erosion and degradation for selected pilot sites. For the present assignment, the experiences gained were processed in several publications. For the WOCAT platform (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies), five best practice showcases were prepared, and two policy briefs on windbreak rehabilitation and remote sensing as a tool for land degradation neutrality were created.