LIFE ENABLE. Creating the European Nature Academy for applied blended learning

Associated persons Lisa Wolf, Michael Huber, Susanne Glatz-Jorde, Christina Pichler-Koban, Romana Piiroja
Clients European Union, LIFE Preparatory
Partners EUROPARC Federation, Alfred Toepfer Nature Conservation Academy, FUNGOBE, Fundación Interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espacios naturales, Metsähallitus, Parks and Wildlife Finland, MedPAN Mediterranean Protected Areas Network, Propar
Year 2021

The LIFE Preparatory project LIFE ENABLE started in August 2021 and will last until July 2024.

This project will create a European training system called European Nature Academy as the means to develop further training projects and capacity building programmes at a Pan-European scale. The goal is to deliver widely accessible and tailor-made learning experiences for Natura 2000 managers. This will be done by developing, testing and implementing innovative and accessible training activities that will support the delivery of EU policy (EU Biodiversity Strategy!) by improving nature management practices in an extended Protected Area network that incorporates Natura 2000 sites. Together with partners, E.C.O. contributes to all major milestones such as the GAP analysis, developing governance standards and protocols, creating the ‘Learning with LIFE’ network, producing a new online Training Needs Analysis tool, creating the MOOC platform, further developing the eNatura2000App, the design of learning programmes, a wide variety of communication and promotional activities etc.

Our project partners:

EUROPARC Federation, Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz, FUNGOBE, Fundación Interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espacios naturales, Metsähallitus, Parks and Wildlife Finland , MedPAN Mediterranean Protected Areas Network, Propark Foundation for Protected Areas, TESAF, University of Padova, The Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry.



eNatura2000 App: Visit Google Play or App Store to download!